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自动化编程软件(Tebis)4.0 最新汉化版【百度网盘】

  • 大小:2KB
  • 语言:中文
  • 平台:WinAll
  • 更新:2016-01-29 10:19
  • 等级:
  • 类型:工程建筑
  • 网站:http://www.tebis.com/
  • 授权:免费软件
  • 厂商:
  • 产地:国产软件
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Tebis 4.0 功能特色

Tebis has just the software you need: The industry packages and special packages are ideally configured for the model, mold and die, industrial design and mechanical engineering manufacturing sectors and for workstations with special tasks like laser cutting and trim machining. The packages are available for a variety of price/performance levels: Select an industry or special package and add to it to achieve precisely as what is needed.

Increasing machine productivity

Tebis helps you optimize the processes around your machinery. Reduce your costs, increase your manufacturing capacity and create more throughput. With multiple setup, multiple machine operation, etc.

Push-button solution for surfaces

Automatically detect irregularities in CAD surface models, repair them with a success rate of over 90% and reduce risk areas, surface patches and gaps at the click of a button ...

New for mechanical engineering

Whether for drive technology, motors and systems, hydraulics, pump housings or gearboxes – the new Tebis Mechanical Engineering industry packages provide the information you need ...

Your benefits from the Tebis Mold and Die industry packages:

No size limitations

Easy to learn and intuitive operation

Easily integrated in existing CAD environments with high-quality interfaces

Enables personnel to specialize in various areas such as design, manufacturing preparation and NC programming

High productivity with standardized and automated NC programming

Extensive machining options for surface, mesh and hybrid models

Broad application spectrum with comprehensive NC strategies for prismatic and 3D surface machining

High part surface quality with NC programs generated directly on CAD surfaces

Continuously improve your process quality with stored manufacturing knowledge in NC templates

Reliable processes with programming and simulation in a realistic manufacturing environment

Digital information flow throughout the process

Key features of the Tebis Mold and Die industry packages:

CAD functions for design

Comprehensive analysis functions for geometry

Repair and preparation functions for NC programming

Wide range of NC functions for 3D surface machining and for prismatic milling and drilling

Collision detection and avoidance

Full-width cut detection and avoidance

Extensive automation options

Manage real machines and tools in virtual libraries

Manage all machining steps in a central job manager

Quality checking right at the machine

Tebis4.0 优缺点说明

1 公认的tebis的速度很快。  转图速度快,特别是与CATIA基本上无缝结合,转大图档的话基本把cim和ug甩在后面。算刀路速度快,对大模二次开粗优势明显。

2 刀路安全,刀路算出来是实实在在的图素,不像ug玩虚的。 所以就算是2d刀路,就算图档是曲面,


3 tebis走横向进给的时候可以走S型,让刀路没有突然变向,cim和ug没见过,可能是我不会用,相对抬刀很安全。而且G00 不是在平面上,可以走斜线,真正的相对抬刀。

4 用等高来进行封闭槽的开粗的话,可以一直螺旋着下去,避免z向扎刀,cim三轴好像不太好办吧,ug刀路不理想。

5 tebis自带了十几种控制器的后处理,够用了。

6 tebis是个非参数话的软件,所以如果你生成刀路后想更改参数小调整一下刀路的话,对不起,请重新作好了。但因为非参,所以你可以很方便的进行刀路旋转,平移,镜像,甚至你可以对模型进行修改,删除,这在ug和cim中简直不可想像,如果你编程坐标系变了,你甚至只要重新建个座标,后处理的时候选择一下这个座标系就好了,

7 如果你的机床可以自动对零件进行测量校验的话,tebis可以为检测头编制测量路径。这个我也没用过,只是看帮助玩了一下,唉,省了去三次元了。

8 开粗刀路实时生成毛胚,逼真的要死,比cim的那个remain stock要好很多。因为是实时生成毛胚体,所以不需要什么多轴毛胚功能了,自动实现。不过这个毛胚只能在开粗时用,精工刀路无法实现对毛胚更新,这点要比cim弱。

9 tebis的清角 刀路够漂亮,tebis可以在生成刀路之前就对刀路的范围进行编辑。任何刀路都可以,cim应该办不到,ug的清角可以作,但是与tebis有一定差距。

9 tebis对图素的管理弱的一蹋糊涂,图层的操作比cim和ug逊色不少。刀路的组织管理也仅仅靠层。一个刀路放在一个层里,让人大跌眼镜,要是还象ug和cim一样作刀路的话,非死掉不行。2D刀路感觉特别特别的不方便,也有可能我还没摸到门,设计功能几乎可以忽略不计,测量功能也用着不爽。作小东西譬如镶件,滑块之类的会是很累的工作,没法作模板,加工电极也是个麻烦事,nc中貌似没有夹头功能。所以说弱点也很明显,不过以上言论有个前提,我用的是比较老的版本,新版本没见过,应该上面问题都解决了吧。



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自动化编程软件(Tebis) 4.0 最新汉化版【百度网盘】

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